In conformity with the policy of complete transparency we advocate of government and civil society and in acknowledgement of our English-speaking audience, we are complementing the publication of our statutes with that of our internal bylaws.
Article 1. Objective
The present internal bylaws are established in conformity with the Citizens’ Initiative for Change association statutes, and complete the aforementioned statutes in accordance with those regulations in place within the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, particularly those pertaining to voluntary associations.
These bylaws determine, in accordance with the said statutes, the regulations relative to the internal functioning of the association, the organization of its activities and its self-regulation.
Article 2. Applicative Domain
The present internal bylaws are applicable to any member of the association, to the entirety of its specialized sub-structures as well as its salaried personnel, who expressly state their knowledge of the said bylaws and their consent to following them by the sole virtue of their recruitment.
Article 3. Association Bodies
The association’s branches are:
- The General Assembly
- The Executive Committee
- The Executive Bureau
- Specialized sub-structures
Article 4. The General Assembly
Constitutes the association’s supreme body. Its prerogatives, its composition and the essentials of its meetings are defined by the association’s statutes.
Article 5. The Executive Committee
In the intersession of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee assures the leadership of the association’s activity and the entirety of programs and to this end disposes of all powers not explicitly reserved to the General Assembly by the statutes’ dispositions.
Article 6. The Executive Bureau
By the delegation of the Executive Committee, the Executive Bureau assures the association’s routine management. It may delegate all powers to one of its members in matters which concern them, namely to the President, to the Executive Secretary and to the Treasurer. It may award honorary presidencies to renowned personages whose presence would bring credit to the association, from religious, academic, cultural or political domains.
Article 7. Specialized Structures
Specialized structures comprise the technical commissions, permanent or not, established by the Executive Bureau for the needs of the associations’ activities. They are placed under the authority of the Executive Bureau, which determine their mandate and their composition and designate their presidents.
Article 8. Dues and voluntary contributions
So as to support the current cost of the association’s functioning, its members pay annual dues whose amount is set by the Executive Committee, and voluntary contributions according to their ability to contribute and the association’s real needs.
Annual dues will be fixed at ten thousand ouguiyas (10,000 UM.) There is no fixed limit for voluntary contributions.
Article 9. Claims
As claims, litigation, or demands of any sort may appear, by the fact of or upon the application of the present internal bylaws, they may be brought before competent tribunals only following all attempts at amicable resolutions, as attested by decree from the Ministry of the Interior.
Ratified in Nouakchott, on April 18th 2006,
The Executive Committee